Ramos Instructions

Instructions for Application to become an Ignatian Associate in the Ramos Community in Milwaukee

If you are considering whether or not to apply:

  • Let us know that you are considering applying. We promise our prayer for and with you. If you would like to talk either via phone or meet for a coffee, tea or soda along with some conversation, please contact us via email to find a mutually agreeable day and time so that one of us may address your questions.

Contact us via: ramos@ignatianassociates.org

Once you have decided to go forward with the process:

  • In addition to completing the Application Form, you are asked
    • to write a “Letter of Intent” – in which you share a reason(s) for your interest in becoming an Ignatian Associate at this time in your life.

These letters should be sent preferably as an attachment, via email to: ramos@ignatianassociates.org   Once your application and letters have been received, you will receive acknowledgment via email.

  • An Interview with two or three members of the Ramos Community (one at a time) will be scheduled with you at some time.  This will provide an opportunity for you to get to know other people in our Community, and a time to ask questions as well as share some of your story and what is attracting you to becoming an Ignatian Associate.

During these weeks, this time is gift and a time of mutual discernment, during which we try to be open to the Holy Spirit—both the candidate and the Community, represented by Norie and Joan, and those who will participate in the interviewing process. 

The two-year Formation period usually begins during the Fall of every other year.